
4 sure-fire ways to know for certain it’s time to move on

November 12, 2021

Despite rumours that we’re on the cusp of a great resignation, in reality, hiring managers are finding it increasingly difficult to fill vacancies at the moment, suggesting that the majority of people are sticking where they are.

And if you’re in a job you love, with great prospects, where you feel valued, that’s fantastic!

But if you’re sticking around out of uncertainty, or because ‘better the devil you know’, you could be missing out on some pretty life-changing opportunities. To make sure you’re not staying in your role for the wrong reasons, here are 4 ways to know for certain that it’s time to move on.

1. You've stopped learning

Have you found yourself coasting at work? Never have to think anymore? If you’re at a point in your career where you’re not stretched anymore, then it’s a good sign that it’s time to move on. There are so many opportunities for growth within the facilities management sector.

It could be taking a step upwards or working with new and exciting end user clients. It might be taking on a new service line, or getting involved in implementing new innovations. There is always more to understand. If your job no longer offers those opportunities for learning, it’s time to move to something more challenging.

4 sure-fire ways to know for certain it's time to move on 1

2. Your reasons to stay are fear-driven

Are you finding yourself stemming thoughts of leaving because you’re scared that you might fail, or that you’re not good enough, or you’re worried about things going wrong. Staying in a job you don’t love through fear is the most limiting thing you can do. Your work should be fulfilling – it should push you to be inquisitive and curious.

Try turning those reasons around. What if this is your opportunity to fly? What if this is your chance to find a job you love with people you enjoy working with? 

The facilities management sector is an exciting one to be in right now. There are opportunities to get involved in strategy, sustainability, project management and innovation. Don’t hold back out of fear. Imagine how much more you could gain instead.

3. You find yourself justifying things

If you’ve been letting things slide a lot – poor treatment, low pay, having to work too many hours – all for the sake of job security, then now is a great time to reassess. This is a fantastic time to take a step back and look at what else is out there. There are far more vacancies than people to fill them in facilities management at the moment, so there’s a good chance you’ll find your talents in demand elsewhere.

If you’re ready to step up the ladder, this is a great moment to look for that job that’s the next rung up. There’s less competition right now, so you could find yourself in a position to step up.

4) You don’t feel like your contribution is valued

When people stop saying thank you and start taking you for granted, it’s a feeling that slowly grates away at you. Do you find yourself in a situation where people aren’t listening to your ideas? If you find you’re not appreciated anymore, or your hard work goes unnoticed and unrewarded, it’s time for a change. Sticking it out will only lead to you becoming bitter or resentful.

More and more companies are looking at their Employee Value Proposition, and making sure that proper recognition and reward is built into their operational management. If your current company isn’t valuing you, you won’t find it too hard to find one that does!

So is it time to move on?

It’s not easy to make the decision to move on. It can be daunting to start something new. But the opportunities available right now could lead to life-changing new ventures – more money, more flexibility, a step up the ladder. 

Facilities Management is more in the spotlight than it ever has been – FMs are taking part in business strategy conversations, and helping to set the agenda, so it’s a great time to take a step up.