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Boost Innovation with Workplace Equity

March 2, 2023
louise lowes

louise lowes

Our Business Manager, Louise Lowes, is a DEI expert who provides support to our FM clients.

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing facilities management industry, innovation is essential for staying competitive. But how does equity play a role in promoting innovation?

Equity refers to creating a level playing field, where everyone has equal opportunities and access to resources, regardless of race, gender, age, or other factors. When a company makes equity a priority in the workplace, it can foster a diverse and inclusive workforce, encouraging diverse perspectives, and ideas that are essential for fostering innovation.
It’s creating a culture where employees have an equal opportunity to succeed and advance in their careers.
This image depicts a diverse and inclusive workplace, where individuals from different backgrounds are working together.

How does equity in the workplace promote innovation?

A commitment to equity in the facilities management workplace can drive innovation and lead to improved performance. A diverse and inclusive workforce fosters a range of perspectives and ideas, which can result in creative problem-solving and increased productivity. To promote equity, facilities management companies should implement policies that provide equal treatment and opportunities for all employees, regardless of their background or identity.

How do you believe equity drives innovation for you and your team at ISS?

Equity is vital in a business as ‘one size’ doesn’t fit all in order to allow everyone to thrive. Thriving employees are essential not only for individuals mental well-being and confidence but also clearly best for the business. Employees who are empowered, given the tools THEY need as an individual means that everyone will flourish. This includes those with disabilities and neurodiversities, those going through the menopause or poor mental health.

Here’s a few ways equity in the workplace promotes innovation…

Professional cooperation. Positive nice creative team standing together and discussing their project while working on it

1. Encouraging Diverse Perspectives and Ideas

It can encourage diverse perspectives and ideas, which is essential for fostering innovation. When employees feel comfortable sharing their unique viewpoints and experiences, they can bring fresh ideas to the table that might not have been considered otherwise. This can lead to new and innovative solutions to business challenges and a competitive advantage in the market.

2. Empowering Employees to Take Risks

Employees feel empowered to take risks and try new things without fear of failure or retribution. This can lead to a culture of experimentation and innovation. Where employees are encouraged to think outside the box and take calculated risks in pursuit of new ideas and solutions.

3. Promoting Collaboration and Teamwork

You’ll help to promote collaboration and teamwork, which is essential for innovation. When employees feel valued and supported by their colleagues and leaders, they’re more likely to have more drive. This can lead to more effective collaboration, higher levels of trust, and better outcomes.

A group of diverse professionals working together at a table, collaborating on a project.

4. Attracting and Retaining Top Talent

You’ll be able to attract and retain top talent, which is essential for driving innovation. When your employees feel valued and respected, they’re more likely to stay with their employer and contribute more. This can lead to a highly engaged and motivated workforce, eager to innovate and drive the business forward.

three steps you can take now to encourage Equity and Innovation in the Workplace

Taking action now to promote equity and innovation in the workplace can lead to better business outcomes, including increased productivity and revenue. By promoting equity and innovation, companies can create a workplace culture that values diversity and inclusivity, which can lead to improved employee satisfaction and overall success.

A woman in professional attire smiling and making eye contact with the camera, projecting confidence and positivity.

1. Establish a Diverse and Inclusive Hiring Process

For you to promote equity and innovation, it’s important to establish a diverse and inclusive hiring process. Such as using blind CVs, having diverse interview panels, and actively seeking to recruit individuals from underrepresented backgrounds. By hiring a diverse team, you can ensure that you have a variety of perspectives and ideas to draw from.

2. Provide Opportunities for Professional Development

Providing opportunities for professional development is another way to promote equity and innovation. By investing in your employees’ growth and development, you can help them gain new skills that can lead to innovative ideas.

3. Foster a Culture of Open Communication

To encourage innovation, it is important you foster a culture of open communication. Try to create an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their ideas and opinions. It’s important that leaders actively listen and respond to feedback. By promoting open communication, you can encourage the free flow of ideas and collaboration.

three people talking

The connection between equity and innovation is clear...

Making equity a priority in the workplace means you can foster a diverse and inclusive workforce. You’ll be able to promote employee engagement and retention. 

So, what can you do to promote equity in your workplace?

Start by evaluating your policies and practices to identify areas where you can improve equity. Encourage open communication and feedback from employees to understand their perspectives and experiences. Invest in diversity and inclusion training for all employees to raise awareness. And, most importantly, lead by example. Model the behaviours and values that promote equity. This way you’ll create a culture where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their best ideas.

what else is going on in the FM industry?
